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OAT Upcoming Events



To schedule a meeting at an upcoming conference, please call 781-907-6100.

NRF Big Show
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York City, NY

January 11-14, 2015

RILA Supply Chain
Gaylor Palms Resort and Convention Center
Orlando, FL

February 22-25, 2015

RFID Journal Live
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA

April 15-17, 2015


Previous Events
(registration may be required)

RFID Journal LIVE!

Europe 2014 Oct. 23, 2014 Dexter House
London, England

RFID in Manufacturing 2014

Date: November 6, 2014

RFID in Health Care 2014

November 20, 2014
Chicago, Illnois

RFID in Harsh Environments 2014
Date: October 8, 2014

High Growth, High Velocity, High Risk: RFID Use Cases in Harsh Environments

Harsh-environment use cases span multiple industries, including industrial equipment, oil and gas, mining, chemicals and life sciences. RFID is being used to automate processes in research facilities, exploration, manufacturing and aftermarket services. This session will discuss real-world examples of RFID process automation in harsh environments, from planning considerations and ROI metrics to systems integration and enterprise deployment. In addition, a deployment guide containing process flows and systems-integration examples will be provided.

RFID in Retail 2014
Date: September 11, 2014

Enhancing the Omni-Channel Experience - RFID's Evolving Role in Fashion and Luxury

The benefits of RFID-enabled inventory are less obvious in fashion and luxury, where out-of-stocks are a sign of success. But, as loyal shoppers expect the same level of personalized service online as in-store, RFID is taking on a new role, sensing customer needs and keeping brand promises. This session will investigate RFID's evolving role in fashion, luxury and retail markets, with real-world examples, business metrics and deployment considerations.

RFID in Aerospace & Aviation
2014 Date: June 19, 2014 Time:11 AM to 1 PM EDT

Advanced Materials, Capital Equipment, Engine Overhaul: Deployment Trends for RFID in A&D

Aerospace and Defense firms manage billions of dollars of capital assets, materials and work-in-process across programs, facilities and worksites. With increasing cost pressure, project complexity and operational risk, RFID is increasingly being deployed to automate material management, equipment tracking and MRO programs. This session will provide real-world case studies of RFID in A&D along with ROI metrics and deployment considerations.


Using RFID to Track Tools and Equipment

December 11, 2013 Time:
2:00PM -3:00 PM ET

At facilities ranging from remote worksites and assembly plants to medical centers and trailer yards, capital equipment is essential to operations. Missing equipment in a hospital can compromise patient care while misplaced tools in a manufacturing environment can derail a productionschedule. This session discusses how companies are automating equipment tracking processes with RFID, including what's driving adoption of RFID equipment tracking, where and how it is used, and ROI metrics forcalculating payback.

RFID in Harsh Environments

November 19, 2013
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM ET

Harsh Environment use cases span multiple industries, including Industrial Equipment, Oil & Gas, Mining, Chemicals and Life Sciences. RFID is being used to automate processes in research facilities, exploration, manufacturing and aftermarket services. This session will discuss real-world examples of RFID process automation in harsh environments, from planning considerations and ROI metrics to systems integration and enterprise deployment.

RFID in Retail

June 20, 2013

Scaling Up: Best Practices for Chain-Wide Retail Deployments How leading apparel retailers and department stores are increasingly building on successful RFID pilots and expanding their deployments to reap chain-wide benefits. Features EU retailer and OAT software customer C&A.

RFID in Manufacturing: Multi-Facility Assembly, Advanced Composites and Indirect Materials

March 14, 2013

Industrial Manufacturing processes are becoming more and more complex, and RFID is playing a key role in managing them effectively.

This session will discuss real-world examples of how RFID is helping manufacturers automate these processes, from managing multi-facility assembly processes, to tracking perishable composite materials, custom orders, tooling and indirect materials. Project design, enterprise systems integration and implementation options will be discussed.

Understanding RFID Myths and Opportunities in Aerospace

February 5, 2013
11:00 a.m. EST

RFID adoption in the Aerospace industry has increased dramatically in the past year. New standards and regulations are in place for 2013.

This webinar provides an update on the latest developments. Xerafy and OAT will debunk the top 5 myths about RFID in the aerospace industry, provide an easy-to-understand overview of different programs and standards, and present real-world examples of how aerospace manufacturers, suppliers and airlines are successfully using RFID to support a variety of operations.

Register for the On-Demand webinar

Sponsored by

RFID in Retail: What LP Leaders Need to Know
October 2, 2012
10:00am CT/11:00am ET

RFID is taking hold in Retail, for inventory management and shelf availability. What are the implications for Loss Prevention? With RFID integration planned for many new stores and remodels, LP considerations need to be part of the overall strategy.

This webinar features real-world examples, research data and expert advice including: -The Key Factors LP Leaders Need to Know when Driving the LP Agenda for RFID Projects
-Real-World LP RFID Case Studies and ROI Analysis
-RFID Deployment Considerations for LP

Register for the On-Demand webinar


Deployment Guide Sponsor

RFID in Aerospace and Aviation
June 26, 2012, 11 AM - 1:30 PM EDT

Case Studies: RFID Composite Material Tracking & Tool Tracking
The most recent aircraft programs (A350, B787, C-Series) are achieving fuel efficiency through lighter, stronger composite materials. This poses both new opportunities and challenges for aerospace manufacturers, which must add new materials-management, tooling-tracking, fabrication and inspection processes to their current operations.

This session will discuss real-world examples of how RFID is helping manufacturers automate these processes, from tracking perishable composite materials in storage freezers, layup areas and autoclaves to monitoring the duty cycles of tooling and other indirect materials.

Download RFID and RTLS Deployment Guide: Aerospace & Aviation


Extreme RFID: Tracking Machinery and Tooling in Rugged Environments October 13, 2011, 1 PM EDT
The newest generation of RFID technology can extend visibility to "extreme" asset tracking processes –including tooling tracking, WIP tracking and equipment management, under the most challenging conditions.

This 45-minute webinar, co-sponsored by Xerafy and OATSystems details how Aerospace, Defense and Industrial manufacturers use "Extreme RFID" technology to track assets in rugged environments.

Topics Include:
-How to bring visibility to the "blind spots" in your manufacturing operation
-How the next generation of RFID solutions extends visibility to metal assets, complex WIP and maintenance processes
-Specific process flow and ERP integration examples for Tool Tracking, Indirect Materials Handling and WIP Tracking

Register for the On-Demand webinar


Deployment Guide Sponsor

RFID Journal: RFID in Manufacturing
June 6, 2011, 11 AM - 1:30 PM EDT

Best Practices for RFID in Manufacturing Operations
What do successful RFID and RTLS deployments have in common? And where does operational visibility provide the biggest payoff? This session walks through deployment considerations based on 100s of real-world manufacturing deployments in Aerospace, Defense, Automotive, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and other industries.

Project design, enterprise systems integration and implementation options for WIP Tracking, Tool Tracking and Materials Management will be discussed, to accompany a deployment guide that will be distributed to all attendees.

Download RFID and RTLS Deployment Guide: Manufacturing Operations

Airbus A350XWB Supplier Meeting
May 19, 2011

Detailed information to assist suppliers in
meeting Airbus' RFID part marking requirements for the A350 XWB aircraft, and to enable them to track and trace aircraft components across their full lifecycle.

Deployment Guide Sponsor

RFID Journal: RFID in Aerospace
May 17, 2011, 11 AM - 1:30 PM EDT

Best Practices for A&D RFID Deployments
What do successful RFID and RTLS deployments have in common? And where does process automation provide the biggest payoff? This session walks through multiple real-world A&D deployments in WIP Tracking, Tool Tracking, Part Marking, Jig Tracking, Audit & Attestation and others. Project design, enterprise systems integration and implementation.

Download RFID and RTLS Deployment Guide: Aerospace & Defense

Deployment Guide Sponsor

RFID Journal - RFID in Fashion
September 28, 2010, 11 AM TO 1:30 PM EDT

Many apparel and footwear manufacturers are watching RFID pilots currently being undertaken by retailers and are wondering how RFID will impact them. In this RFID Journal Virtual Event, suppliers can gain insights into what is happening with RFID in retail apparel today and how they can benefit from working with retail partners to track individual items through the supply chain. The speakers will also address some of the practical issues that many apparel and footwear manufacturers have questions about, such as how to tag, where to tag, and how to integrate RFID data with their existing backend systems.

Download RFID Deployment Guide: Apparel

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Deployment Guide Sponsor

RFID Journal – RFID for Asset Tracking
Mar. 2, 2010 — 11 AM to 1 PM EST

Deploying RFID for Asset Tracking
What do successful RFID deployments have in common?  Where does process automation provide the biggest payoff?  This session works through real-world RFID Asset Tracking deployments at companies in Industrial Manufacturing, Healthcare, Aerospace & Defense, Consumer Goods and other industries.

Download RFID Journal Deployment Guide: Asset Tracking

Register for the free webinar
RFID Journal's Best Implementation of 2009: Source-to-Store Visibility at Charles Vögele
Learn how a major European retailer put RFID to work in order to prosper during the current economic turmoil. This one-hour webinar will focus on the real-world experience of Charles Vögele, a leading European retailer and the first company to deploy an item-level, source-to-store merchandise visibility solution.
Registration required.
Register for the free webinar

Get Recession-Proof With RFID: How Manufacturers Can Cut Costs and Improve Competitiveness
Learn best practices from real-world deployments for identifying and delivering quantifiable business results from RFID investments.
Registration required.


Flying by Wire:
Inside Airbus’ Digitally Managed Supply Chain

Get a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the world’s largest RFID implementation.

RFID Journal Webinar: Achieving Manufacturing Excellence with RFID RFID can transform your manufacturing operations, but how can you get projects up and running without disrupting the production line? Learn how to RFID-enable your manufacturing operations without disruption (featuring Hewlett-Packard). 12.12.07

STORES Magazine Knowledge Series:
Are You Ready to Sell When Your Customers Are Ready to Buy? Learn about managing instant item-level availability (with AMR Research & John Lewis) 8.29.07

Increasing Promotions Sell-Through With RFID
Learn how Kimberly-Clark maximized sales with on-time promotions execution (Windows Media - 7.1MB) 6.12.07
Preventing Shelf Out-of-Stocks with RFID.
4.25.07 (Windows Media - 8.7MB)
RFID’s Real Reward for Suppliers – Actionable Data that Increases Sales. 4.19.07 (Windows Media - 7.2 MB)
Tesco describes their deployment of RFID to track roll cages filled with product from their suppliers to their DCs and stores. Learn benefits of RFID asset tracking from more accurate tracking/delivery, increased asset utilization and business process improvement data.
Campbell’s Soup:
Business Value from RFID Data