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Real-Time Visibility for Enterprise Systems

ERP, MES, WMS, MRO systems & business activity dashboards are the lifeblood of many organizations. Real-time enabling these production systems incorporates up-to-the-minute production and delivery status into day-to-day business metrics. This enables staff to uncover and address process errors before they impact production schedules and customer satisfaction.

OAT real-time enabled a discrete manufacturer’s SAP ERP, Baan ERP and in-house MES systems to provide instant visibility into product movement. As a result, the company was able to reduce inventory by 17%, while significantly improving order accuracy.

Automating a single manual process with Auto-ID technology, such as Goods Receipt, can result in a significant reduction in labor, inventory and expedite costs.

The diagram below illustrates a sample process flow for automatically validating an Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) as a physical shipment is received at the loading dock.


“OATSystems empowers logistics and supply chain management, continuing to offer innovative and practical solutions in the face of fast-changing challenges.“

- Felecia Stratton,
Inbound Logistics

Real-time Visibility adds value to enterprise systems at each stage of the value chain. The following examples describe specific processes where Auto-ID integration can drive process efficiencies and cost savings.

Click Here for more information on integrating with specific enterprise systems such as SAP, Oracle, IBM, Deltek, Solumina and In-House applications.

  Real-Time Visibility for Enterprise Systems
Auto-ID Integration Examples
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
  • Verify physical components against bill of materials
  • Trigger inventory replenishment when low stock is detected
  • Track physical products at each stage of testing & assembly
  • Locate missing parts and equipment
Warehouse Management (WMS) & Fulfillment Systems
  • Confirm that custom orders match manifest
  • Verify manifest & destination for outgoing shipments
  • Prevent mis-shipments with visual/audible alarms
  • Track finished goods inventory
Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Field Service Systems
  • Instantly locate physical assets across the value chain, across multiple facilities, or in transit
  • Monitor compliance & service maintenance history
Retail &
Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems
  • Increase merchandise variety by tracking products at the item-level in real time
  • Trigger automatic replenishment of high-velocity products, reduce overall inventory
  • Dynamically manage markdowns
  • Improve customer experience through automated checkout, smart fitting rooms
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Dashboards
  • Automatically update dashboards to reflect: physical inventory levels, orders shipped, overall manufacturing efficiency


Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)

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