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OAT Line-Side Replenishment

A missed barcode can cause a parts shortage that stops the line. Even when the line isn’t stopped, lots of time is wasted tracking down “hot” parts.

– Heavy Equipment Manufacturer

Your investment in ERP systems has improved your manufacturing throughput. Yet manual replenishment processes could be limiting your efficiency, quality and profitability.

OAT’s Line-Side Replenishment solution automates barcode-based Kanban processes to provide inventory visibility and triggered replenishment to your existing systems – saving wasteful search time and expedite costs. By leveraging your wireless infrastructure, enterprise applications and plant floor processes, OAT solutions provide a real-time link to physical processes, enabling you to fully realize the benefits of your IT investment.

When you hold fewer days of inventory, there’s less margin for error. The longer it takes to detect a missing part, the higher the cost. Leveraging Auto-ID technology to automate line-side inventory eliminates the manual errors associated with visual inspection, barcode scanning, paper-based checklists and Kanban cards. OAT Line-Side Replenishment monitors materials throughout the production process, enabling you to automatically detect and fix stock-outs before they result in costly rework. Auto-ID-enabled tracking collects data at each production stage, linking it with inventory systems in real-time. Configurable exception processes can alert staff, display error messages or automatically trigger alternative processes without the need for human intervention.


  • Automatically updates inventory levels as parts are brought in and out of the stock room
  • Compares expected inventory with actual physical inventory using Web Services Integration
  • Notifies operator when inventory levels are low, with visual or audible alerts.
  • Provides configurable settings to trigger auto-replenishment at specific stock levels


  • Fewer errors, shorter lead time
  • Reduced search time and expedite costs
  • Reduced inventory and storage costs
  • Lower likelihood of stock-outs, leading to increased productivity
Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)